Thursday, 13 September 2012

Seven Practical steps to take Action

There is a very simple and straight forward equation to use when creating a plan of action, which states that:
Desire + Action = Results
It is only continual results on short term goals that can lead to success. If you still feel stuck and do not know where or how to start, then try these practical suggestions. I use them continuously to increase my momentum towards success.
1 - Write down what exactly it is that you desire.  If it is wealth, good health, personal prosperity or whatever you so strongly long for, then just write it down. Just do it. It is part of the process and is an important start. 
2 - List the ways in which you plan on achieving optimum results.What do I personally need to do to see this plan come to fruition? This is the HOW TO part. Here you look at what worked in the past and what did not. Here you also look at new creative ideas you can try.
3 - Set up a schedule outlining each step that needs to be taken. Be specific and create a daily "to do" list.  At the end of the week you will be able to see how much you were able to accomplish. 
4 - Make a commitment to yourself to "Work the Plan".  Stay focused on the positive and list all the strengths you possess that will help you to complete your plan.
5 - Know your weaknesses and make a concerted effort to overcome them.  Incorporate both your strengths and weakness into your plan of action.  Some people forget what their true capabilities and shortcomings are. 
6 - Have your own personal reward system in place.  After each accomplishment that you have fulfilled throughout your plan, congratulate and reward yourself. This could be in the form of a small treat like attending a business breakfast or going to the see an inspirational movie.
7 – Create your own daily success routine. Remove and distance yourself from negative thinkers. Engage actively with like minded positive thinking people, because success breeds more success.
Your success “Plan of Action” will not be all plain sailing at the beginning. It will take time as you adjust and create your own winning formula.

Believe and expect your goals to be achieved. Do not let it merely become a talked about fantasy on Facebook. Rather, take a little focussed action each day so that it moves from being a fantasy into a theory (meaning it could be possible) which will then soon become an expectation which you will become determined to see through

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

A strong belief in your abilities is vital for success.

By Calvin Dorman  

A strong belief in your abilities is vital for success. It's the confidence you radiate in spite of the storm around you.

Here is an important discovery I have made over the years: people destined for success absolutely believe that they are going to be successful, sooner or later.

Successful business people have such a positive self-belief that they absolutely believe that everything that happens to them, positive or negative, is part of a great plan to ultimately make them successful.
Sometimes the obstacles you face in business are so big, that you start losing faith in yourself. Just looking and thinking about these obstacles, can lead you to believe that they are insurmountable.
At this point in your life, what about asking yourself a few questions about your inner beliefs? Questions like:
How do you view your competence and abilities? Do you truly believe that you can overcome any obstacle? Do you have a strong faith in your persistence? Do you know how to, reason, debate and seek answers? Are you able to like a winner in all circumstances?
These are the probing and pertinent questions that you should be asking yourself.

How Self-Belief helps us succeed:

This has to do with gaining the inner-strength and the positive attitude that assists you in finding the answers to every problem.If we truly believe that we will be able to find the solution, we will become both motivated and excited to work towards it.
Whenever you have doubt in your ability, then you have already lost the battle.
Belief is a very strong cure to most problems and challenges, and it tends to work in wonderful ways.
• Believe that you will be able to find all solutions.
• Believe that you will overcome all problems.
• Believe that you will emerge successful.
• Believe that you are a winner.
• Believe that you deserve success. 
There can be no bigger magic than a strong belief in your mental and physical strength to fight against all the odds. The difficulties that you might be experiencing in your life right now could probably be ascribed to a lack of confidence, but this does not mean that all is lost. Read inspiring books, and associate with business winners and mentors so that you condition your thinking in order to react well when bad things happen.
You and I are really better at our business than we think we are.
It's just time we start realising it. I am a good business entrepreneur and so are you. Don't let your current results or anybody else determine your self-belief.