Monday, 29 October 2012

Do first things first and your success will start to unfold

How would you describe your ideal life? I believe this is one of the most important questions that you should ask yourself from time to time.

Men and women who live out their Ideal life are by far the most happiest and most successful people I have ever met.

The greatest secret to living your ideal life is understanding the principle and power of priorities. Life on earth holds no greater challenge than the complicating daily demand of choosing among competing alternatives for our limited time.

Our life is the sum total of all the decisions we make every day, and those decisions are determined by our priorities. How we use our time every day eventually defines our lives. Life was designed to be simple, not complicated, and the key to simplifying life is prioritization and we all know that all of us do want a successful, yet simple life without any complications. But if you do not hold yourself accountable to design your Ideal life than your life will become more complicated or it already is

Priority is defined as: the principal thing, putting first things first, establishing the most important thing, and primary focus. It is also defined as placing highest value and worth upon. If our priorities determine the quality of life and dictate all of our actions and behavior, then it is essential that you must identify your priorities by having an Idealistic view of your Life.

The greatest tragedy in life is not a short life, but one without a purpose—life with the wrong priorities.

Your time is important because your time is your life. And the key to the effective use of your time is establishing correct priorities. Then do first things first.
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Sunday, 21 October 2012

The trick is to seize the moment.

by Calvin Dorman
When you are down and depressed and days feel like a burden to live, you tend to think that that is all there is to life. When you are on the ninth cloud and everything seems bright and promising, you feel that it is going to last forever. But nothing lasts forever. The moment comes and your life is changed again.

These ups and downs of  life, this roller coaster ride is what Life is. I have come to accept this fact and embrace it. It was’nt easy. I remember when I could’nt work on my business full time (for the 2nd time) back in 2007, I became very despondent and depressed. All I wanted to do was wallow in my misery.

When you are happy you let that happiness fill your soul and when you are filled with sorrow, you feel the emotion, BUT you cannot allow it to sap your energy and paralyse you.
I call this PARKING. This inactive, negative state will slow your personal and business goals.

The trick is to seize the moment. And how can you do so? By simply remembering and drilling this thought in your mind that nothing lasts forever. It is the one thought which has the capability to help you get through any “negative” event in your life.

I carry on fulfilling the daily, small goals that needs to be done in order to fulfill my BIG DREAM, regardless of the way I feel at that particular moment. I try to inspire myself and stay positive as this state of being gives me energy to do the things I have to do.

Yes, I seize the moment. If it is a “bad” moment, like a few days ago when I had to change the car’s tyre in the cold wind and rain, I summons my positive attitude and say to myself…this will soon pass. I make the choice to stay happy in the moment. I seize the moment.

I know this is easier said than done because you cannot compare a flat tyre with the loss of a friendship, soul partner or a business, BUT if one allows any circumstance in your life to make you PARK and not get moving on your goals…then you are missing out and could risk giving up on your BIG DREAM or purpose in life. This is truly sad.

Good and bad events are all part of  Life. We have to live life on Life’s terms.

The sadness gives way to happiness and the joys lead to sorrows. Just like the night gives birth to the day and the setting sun brings with it the darkness of the night. This interaction between light and darkness is what life is all about. Let’s accept it and embrace each day. Yes, lets seize the moment now and do right now what we have been procrastinating to do all day.

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Monday, 8 October 2012

What is Excellence?

In other words, if you have discovered what you are passionate about (your Dream; your Destiny) make sure you stick to that dream.
As you set short-term goals and you find it difficult to achieve those goals, don't give up on your dream, but get another plan.

You can have a plan B if plan A does not work, BUT you can only have a plan A regarding your dream.
And you stick to it UNTIL it is achieved no matter how long it takes. If you signed up for this dream you have, see it through.
Don't just abandon it somewhere in the middle.
If it is a worthy goal, it is worth going the distance.
So if you think you have what it takes, it going to take all you've got! That line might be a cliche, but I have come across too many people not willing to go the distance, simply because they were not willing to give it their all.
Excellence is not about perfection
Excellence is not about money
Excellence is not about ego

Whenever I want to give up at times, I remind myself of this belief I have adopted for my life:

MY DREAM: My passion is my business and my family. My short term goal is to "touch" the lives of my family, clients and community through my business achievements. My long term goal is to become a millionaire in order to make a bigger contribution to many more peoples' lives than I am currently doing.
