Monday, 29 October 2012

Do first things first and your success will start to unfold

How would you describe your ideal life? I believe this is one of the most important questions that you should ask yourself from time to time.

Men and women who live out their Ideal life are by far the most happiest and most successful people I have ever met.

The greatest secret to living your ideal life is understanding the principle and power of priorities. Life on earth holds no greater challenge than the complicating daily demand of choosing among competing alternatives for our limited time.

Our life is the sum total of all the decisions we make every day, and those decisions are determined by our priorities. How we use our time every day eventually defines our lives. Life was designed to be simple, not complicated, and the key to simplifying life is prioritization and we all know that all of us do want a successful, yet simple life without any complications. But if you do not hold yourself accountable to design your Ideal life than your life will become more complicated or it already is

Priority is defined as: the principal thing, putting first things first, establishing the most important thing, and primary focus. It is also defined as placing highest value and worth upon. If our priorities determine the quality of life and dictate all of our actions and behavior, then it is essential that you must identify your priorities by having an Idealistic view of your Life.

The greatest tragedy in life is not a short life, but one without a purpose—life with the wrong priorities.

Your time is important because your time is your life. And the key to the effective use of your time is establishing correct priorities. Then do first things first.
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